the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



周末來到W HOTEL 的 the kitchen table 吃自助餐午餐吃到飽~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

餐廳內的座位很多也很寬敞明亮~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

餐點提供的種類很多喔~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~ 就先來逛一下吧~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

麵包區 擺放了大大小小的麵包

但是為了吃別的好料, 麵包區我是不碰的....the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

別緻的天然蜂巢蜜the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

這個當然要來嚐嚐嚕~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

熱食區 the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

PIZZA 、義大利麵區

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

香煎鴨腿the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


香濃的起司the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~
the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


蔬菜清湯 喝起來....普通....the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

扇貝肥美不錯吃~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

小芬拿的烤牛排看起來蠻嫩的~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

吃完熱菜後要來吃甜點囉~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

草莓口味的巧克力噴泉~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


好多蛋糕、小甜點喔~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

每一種看起來都很好吃的樣子哩....the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

漂亮的棉花糖~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

好吃的甜點蛋糕和鮮紅的草莓~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~


the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

沾了草莓巧克力醬汁的草莓吃起來更香甜了~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~



the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

整體而言餐食的總類很豐富, 但是熱食方面吃起來感覺沒有很精緻...the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

蛋糕甜點的部份則較精緻可口~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~ 總之又是飽餐一頓囉~the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~

the kitchen table:台北W HOTEL - the kitchen table - 自助餐午餐吃到飽~
小蓉の吃喝玩樂小蓉製作,以創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-禁止改作 3.0 台灣 授權條款釋出。

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